It is our mission to provide support and education to families with young children in Addison County.
All children deserve to grow up happy and healthy. We are here to make sure everyone has that opportunity.
We meet families where they are at and respond to their needs. For some families, that can mean help understanding a developmental issue or navigating state funded assistance. For others it might mean getting help paying the heating bills or providing emotional support. Wherever families are struggling to meet the needs of their children, that is where we put our energy and focus.
Kindness and compassion are at the heart of everything we do. We want the Parent Child Center to feel like home away from home.
We believe that families are powerful and capable of rising to their challenges with support, guidance and a little kindness. We are here with you, and want to help you on your journey.
The Parent Child Center was founded in 1980 in response to a shortage of quality child care and services for Addison County families with children under the age of three. We found that there was much to be done and the Center grew rapidly in size and scope. In the first year of operation we served 70 families by offering child care and parent education. Today we serve almost 2,000 Addison County residents annually by providing child care, parent education, play groups, job training, academic education, social services and assistance in moving from welfare to work.
Board of Directors
Sara Marshall, President
Kelly Flynn, Vice President
Steve Smith, Treasurer
Anne Collins, Secretary
Vanessa Dunleavy
Heather Byrnes
Anneleise Masi
Chenoa Hamilton
Sara Herbert
Julie Barry
Lauren Ogden
Natalie Peters
Shari Johnson
Woody Jackson